Change the printer driver used by the Parallels Secure Workspace Virtual Printer

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Only perform this procedure when asked by the support team.


  1. Log in to the Workspace as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to https://remote.workspace.env/api/v2/apps 
  3. Find the app for which the printer driver needs to be adjusted.
    The link will be similar to https://remote.workspace.env/api/v2/apps/1 (where 1 is the ID of the application).
    Navigate to that link.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click "Raw data".
  5. In the textbox, only put the JSON below.
    Mind that Microsoft Print To PDF is the default.

        "printer_driver_name": "Microsoft Print To PDF"

    Or alternatively:

        "printer_driver_name": "Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4"

  6. Careful: click [PATCH] and not the other button.
  7. The output should change and you should be able to confirm the name of the printer driver.


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