How to uninstall Remote Application Server?

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How to uninstall Remote Application Server completely?


For complete uninstallation, follow these steps:

  1. From Application Wizard in Control Panel uninstall Parallels Remote Application Server

  2. Check Program Files (x86) folder > remove Parallels directory (if persists)
  3. In the Registry Editor:
    • From HKLM\Software\ remove Parallels registry key
    • From HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\ remove Parallels registry key
  4. Reboot Windows Server to apply the changes.

Uninstalling specific component

Should you need uninstall only one component,(for example, RD Session Host Agent):

In RAS Console go to Farm > RD Session Hosts > right-click on appropriate server > Check Agent... > Uninstall

In case RD Session Host Agent is unreachable:

  1. Open services.msc
  2. Find the service you want to uninstall (RAS RD Session Host Agent) , right click on it > Properties
  3. Take note of the path and name of the executable, for example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\ApplicationServer\2XAgent.exe"

  4. Open Command Prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\ApplicationServer\

  5. Run the command in Command Prompt in the path above:

    2XAgent.exe -u

This will uninstall the service.

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