Users are unable to change their passwords through the Workspace.
In awingu-api.service.log , you may see a similar error:
2023-10-18 09:48:21.974673+00:00 awingu awingu-api.service[/opt/awingu/awingu-core/virtualenv/bin/gunicorn:2047461]: kinit error (ignored): kinit: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'SOMEDOMAIN.ORG' while getting initial credentials
Connections between Parallels Secure Workspace and the Kerberos Domain Controllers are blocked.
Make sure the following traffic is allowed:
- Outbound to the Kerberos domain controller(s): port 88 (UDP/TCP) and port 464 (TCP).
Verify if the port is open when connecting from Parallels Secure Workspace: How to perform a port scan (tcpscan/udpscan) . - Ensure there are PTR (reverse DNS) and SRV records in place to locate the KDC server and define the protocol to use.
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