It's impossible to view FileVault 2 Disk Encryption report in SCCM, error Cannot impersonate user for data source 'DataSource1'. (rsErrorImpersonatingUser) is thrown:
Please do the following to resolve the issue:
- Select FileVault 2 Disk Encryption report in the list of Reports in SCCM Console;
- Right click on the report and click Edit in the opened context menu;
- Wait for Report Builder to start;
- In opened FileVault 2 Disk Encryption - Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder: expand Data Sources node in Report Data pane (at the left);
- Right-click on DataSource1 and click Data Source Properties in the context menu:
- On General page of opened Data Source Properties: see which data source is selected. Looks like /ConfigMgr_T15/ {39B693BB-524B-47DF-9FDB-9000C3118E82}
- Click Browse... button:
- In opened Select Data Source: double click on /ConfigMgr_<site-code>/ and select another data source (looks like {5C6358F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602}):
- Click Open button -> Select Data Source closed
- Ensure that just added data source selected in Data Source Properties dialog and click OK -> Data Source Properties dialog closed
- Click Save button and close the Report Builder:
Run the report again, now you will see the list of Macs and their FileVault 2 status:
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