The virtual disk is corrupt

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You start your virtual machine and receive the error message:

The virtual disk Hard Disk is corrupt. Please check it for errors.


A virtual hard disk may become corrupt for different reasons:


If you face this problem, try to detect and fix the virtual hard disk errors using the prl_disk_tool utility:

NOTE: We strongly recommend that you make a backup of the virtual machine before following the troubleshooting steps.

  1. In Mac OS X, open Finder, go to Applications folder > Utilities folder, and double-click Terminal.
  2. Paste the command below into Terminal as is (do not hit Enter yet):

    prl_disk_tool check --hdd
  3. Find your virtual machine in Finder. Right-click on the .pvm file of your virtual machine and choose Show Package Contents

  4. Drag your WindowsXXX.hdd file into Terminal and drop it right next to prl_disk_tool check --hdd.

    So as result you will see something like this in Terminal window:

    prl_disk_tool check --hdd /Users/appleseed/Documents/Parallels/Windows\ 7.pvm/Windows\ 7-0.hdd

    Please note there should be a space between --hdd and /Users/....

  5. Press return and wait till this operation completes.

    Operation progress 100%

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