Scope of Support for Parallels Remote Application Server

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During the term of your active support package for Parallels commercial products, the Parallels team will provide expert level guidance and troubleshooting in connection with questions and issues arising from the installation, configuration, and use of Parallels software, bug fixes, and issue resolution.

Installation: Support for installation (or upgrade) includes providing guidance and troubleshooting in connection with customers' downloading and installing, or upgrading the software.

Configuration Issues: Support for configuration includes troubleshooting customers’ configuration settings for existing installations on approved environments to ensure proper operation and functionality.

Basic Product Functionality Questions: Parallels experts will answer your "how to" questions related to standard and intended product usage.

Product Defect Verification and Reporting: Bug identification. Enhancement and Feature Request Submission

Versions of Supported Products Covered by Parallels Support

Supported Versions: Parallels will provide support only for the versions of the product specified in the product documentation or as specified in the Lifecycle Announcement and Support Service Description: Remote Application Server 

Environments Supported: Parallels supports use of its products only on the platforms (hardware and operating systems) specified in the release documentation for each Parallels product.

What Support Excludes

The following are excluded from Parallels Support obligations:


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