How to ​perform a port scan (tcpscan/udpscan)

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  1. Go to System Settings > Global > Troubleshoot.
  2. Select the tcpscan or udpscan action, depending on the type of communication which needs to be verified.
  3. Specify the host (IP or name) and port.
    Hint: You can specify multiple ports. Separate them with a comma.
  4. Hit [Execute] to see the output.

You'll see an "open" state if communication should be possible.

Mind that for UDP, you will also see an "open" state (e.g. port 53 for DNS, port 123 for NTP), but sometimes also an "open|filtered" state. Depending on the protocol, nmap may try a specific payload and correctly detect whether a port is open. In other cases, it may simply not receive a response. This implies that it's unsure whether the appliance can connect to this port or not.

If it only shows "filtered", it means there is a connectivity issue. Verify on your firewall if the appliance is allowed to connect to the specified host/port.

Common default ports when troubleshooting:

53 DNS UDP and TCP
80 http TCP
123 NTP (Network Time Protocol) UDP
443 https TCP
1433 Microsoft SQL Server TCP
3389 RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) UDP and TCP
5432  PostgreSQL TCP


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