Using RAS Scheduler

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The Scheduler tab in the RD Session Hosts view allows you to reboot or temporarily disable servers and server groups based on a template according to a schedule.

To create a new scheduler task or modify an existing one:

1 In the RAS Console, navigate to Farm > > RD Session Hosts.

2 In the right pane, select the Scheduler tab.

3 To create a new task, click Tasks > Add and select one of the following options:

The RDSH Schedule Properties dialog opens. The dialog consists of three tabs, which are described below.


On the Properties tab, specify the following:


On the Trigger tab, specify when the scheduled task should trigger:


On the Options tab, you can do the following:

If the task is Disable server, Disable server group, Shutdown server, or Shutdown server group the available options are:

If a task is Reboot Server, Reboot Server Group, Shutdown server, or Shutdown server group the available options are:

If the task is Startup server group, the available options are:

To create a text message to be sent to users, click the Tasks > Add and specify the following:

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