Publishing a Network Folder from a Terminal Server

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To publish a network folder:

  1. In the RAS Console, select the Publishing category and then click the Add icon below the Published Resources tree (or right-click inside the Published Resources box and click Add in the context menu). This will launch the publishing wizard.
  2. On the Select Item Type wizard page, select Folder on the file system and click Next.
  3. On the Select Server Type page, select Terminal Server and click Next.
  4. On the Publish From page, select the server(s) to publish from. Note that if you have just one terminal server, the Publish From page will not appear.
  5. On the UNC Folder wizard page, specify the usual application properties.
  6. In the UNC path field, enter the UNC path of the folder you wish to publish. Click the [...] button to browse for a folder (it may take some time for the Browse for Folder dialog to open).

  7. Click Finish to publish the folder and close the wizard.

To view publishing settings click on Publish Resources > Application Tab.

The Target property will always be set to PublishedExplorer.exe. This binary is created automatically (via agents pushing) and is simply a copy of the standard explorer.exe executable.

The Parameters property specifies the network folder that we want to publish. The folder path can be in any format that the explorer.exe can handle.

Please note that although you have all standard application property tabs enabled for this publishing item, the following items should be ignored:

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