How to completely remove Parallels Device Management

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Procedure for removing PDM with leftovers on servers

1. Run the uninstaller.

2. Delete registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Parallels\Parallels Mac Management for Microsoft SCCM

3. Delete PDM database:

- Open Microsoft SQL Server management Studio and find PMM_XXX database

- Select it, open context menu and click Delete:

4. Delete WMI Objects:

NOTE: You should be logged into the system with a WMI-privileged account. Local admin permission level should be enough.

- Open wbemtest.exe

- Connect to root\sms\site_XXX (where XXX is a Site Code)

(no need to specify credentials, only adjust the connection string and click Connect)

- Click the Query... button, enter the query below, and then click Apply button:

SELECT * FROM SMS_SCI_Configuration WHERE ItemName LIKE 'Parallels%' OR ItemName LIKE 'Pmm%'

- Delete each object found.

Removing WMI objects via Powershell:

(Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\sms\site_CPA" -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_SCI_Configuration WHERE ItemName LIKE 'Parallels%' OR ItemName LIKE 'Pmm%'" | Remove-WmiObject

5. Delete AD objects.

From ADSI Edit:

CN=Parallels under CN=Program Data
CN=ParallelsServices under CN=System

From ADUC:

Check servicePrincipalName AD attribute on Proxy service and computer accounts. Look for SPNs that will match the following pattern and delete them:


Finding AD objects with the above mentioned attribute using Powershell:

Get-ADObject -Filter 'servicePrincipalName -like "PrlMgmtSccmProxy/*"' | FT -A

6. Remove DNS SRV record (if exists).

The record will have the following name format: _PmaConfigMgrProxy-[SITECODE]

Powershell approach:

Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName “” -RRType “SRV” | Where-Object { $_.HostName -like '*Proxy*' }

Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -RRType SRV -Name "_PmaConfigMgrProxy-CPA._tcp" -ZoneName "" -RecordData "0","100","8760","" -Force

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