Virtual Machine crashes with BSOD 0x10e on startup

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After installing Parallels Tools in the Virtual Machine it crashes with STOP (BSOD) code 0x0000010E

Error message:

    "The video memory manager has encountered an unexpected fatal error."

Your Virtual machine was migrated from a physical computer.


  1. Start Windows Virtual machine in Safe Mode

    • You will get to Advanced Boot Options menu, choose "Safe Mode" and press Return

  2. After Windows is booted up in Safe Mode go to Device manager, locate DisplayLink drivers and uninstall them:

    • Go to Start, in the search box type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter (return).
    • Extend Display adapters right-click Displaylink adapter > Uninstall.
  3. Start Windows installer and remove DisplayLink software:

    • Open Command Prompt: Start -> type 'cmd', right-click it -> Run as Admisinistrator.
    • In the Command Prompt execute:

      REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer" /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D "Service"
      net start msiserver
  4. Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features, locate and remove 'DisplayLink' software and click Uninstall.

  5. Restart your Virtual machine

  6. Go to your Virtual Machines Configuration and uncheck "Select Boot device on startup" checkbox

  7. If you still get blue screen starting virtual machine, in virtual Machine configuration Hardware->Hard Disk1->change location to IDE 0:0


DisplayLink drivers conflict with Parallels video driver

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