Published application disappears on a client

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Screen saver GPO applies on RDS session as well if Microsoft RemoteAps mirroring technology is used. So, if user leaves computer running in an idle state for a while, screensaver lock applies on remote session and published application disappears.


To resolve the issue you may disable RemoteApps option in Terminal server settings or disable screen locker on RDS servers exclusively. The following procedure should be performed on each RDS server:

  1. Open Group Policy gpedit.msc applet.

    On Windows server 2012 navigate to:

    User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization:
    • disable Enable screen saver policy.
    • disable Password protect the screen saver policy.

    But this is not enough, as Windows processes policies in the following order:

    1. Local Group Policy object
    2. Site
    3. Domain
    4. Organizational units

      That means that if policy is disabled locally, but enabled on AD/DC, screen saver will still be enabled ultimately.

  2. The following policy needs to be applied to loopback the policies processing order:

    Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Group Policy
    • Enable Configure user Group Policy loopback processing mode:

    • Set Mode to Replace:

Policies location on Windows Server 2008:

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