Linux virtual machine cannot receive ip address with AirPort adapter type

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Linux virtual machine cannot connect to the Internet via Bridged network mode with AirPort adapter type. Virtual Machine cannot receive IP address with AirPort adapter type.


When setting up network in Linux, you may need to configure the DHCP client to send the virtual machine's ID in DHCP requests.


For information on how to configure your DHCP client, refer to the DHCP client documentation.

For example, in Red Hat Linux guest OSs, you need to edit the DHCP client configuration file.

  1. Open the dhclient.conf file and make sure that the following lines are present.


    interface "eth0" {


    send dhcp-client-identifier 1:<MAC address>;



  2. If there are no such lines, add them manually to the file and save it.

When the dhclient.conf file contains these lines, DHCP client sends the virtual machine's ID to the DHCP server. The DHCP server sends an IP address in response.


To locate the dhclient.conf file, in a terminal, enter:

strings /sbin/dhclient | grep etc | grep dhclient.conf


rpm -ql dhclient

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