Custom Security Verification Methods (MFA-Radius)

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The Automation tab in the RADIUS Properties dialog allows you to customize the OTP experience for Parallels Client users by configuring security verification methods and custom commands to be sent to a RADIUS server during the MFA login process. Different security verification methods can be assigned priority and configured to be automatically used.

With this functionality configured, users can choose their preferred security verification method from a predefined and configurable list including Push notification, Phone Callback, SMS, Email, and Custom. The methods appear as clickable icons on the OTP dialog in Parallels Client. When a user clicks an icon, a command is sent to the RADIUS server and the corresponding verification methods are used.


To configure a verification method (also called "actions" here and in the Parallels RAS Console), on the Automation tab, click Tasks > Add. In the Add Action dialog, specify the following properties:



When done, click OK to save the action. Repeat the steps above for other actions.


Note: You can create up to five actions. When all five are created, the Tasks > Add menu is disabled.


You can move the actions on the Automation tab up or down the list. This dictates in which order the action icons will be displayed in Parallels Client.


Once configured, users will be able to use one of the allowed methods:



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