Publishing a Web Application from a Terminal Server

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To publish a web application:

  1. In the RAS Console, select the Publishing category and then click the Add icon below the Published Resources tree (or right-click inside the Published Resources box and click Add in the context menu). This will launch the publishing wizard.
  2. On the Select Item Type wizard page, select Web Application and click Next.
  3. On the Select Server Type page, select Terminal Server and click Next.
  4. On the Publish From page, select the server(s) to publish from. Note that if you have just one terminal server, the Publish From page will not appear.
  5. On the Web Application wizard page that opens, specify the web application name, description, window state, and the URL. Select the Force to use Internet Explorer option if needed. To browse for a specific application icon, click Change Icon.
  6. When done, click Finish to publish the application.

Once the application is published, it will be listed in Publishing > Published Resources. To view application settings select the Application tab.


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