Parallels Secure Workspace 5.6.1 is a minor release containing bug fixes, performance improvements, and security updates.
What’s New
Support for keyboard layout and UI language: Icelandic.
The following documentation is available for this release:
Upgrade Instructions
You can upgrade to Parallels Secure Workspace 5.6.1 from versions 5.5.1 and 5.6.0.
To upgrade to Parallels Secure Workspace 5.6.1:
Sign in to Parallels Secure Workspace with an administrator account (of an administrative Parallels Secure Workspace domain) and make sure that all services on Dashboard are green.
Make sure the host (hypervisor) is not in a stressed state (CPU and disk I/O) and that the memory is not ballooning.
At this point, it is highly recommended to back up the Parallels Secure Workspace environment:
Create an environment backup in Parallels Secure Workspace.
Shut down the appliance(s) cleanly and make a snapshot/backup.
Make a backup of the database if you are using an external database.
Start up the appliance(s), sign in to Parallels Secure Workspace with an administrator account (of an administrative Parallels Secure Workspace domain), and wait until all services on Dashboard are green again.
Make sure all Parallels Secure Workspace appliances in your environment have internet connectivity (access to
Open System Settings.
On the General Information page, in the section Upgrade Version, select 5.6.1 and click Upgrade.
The upgrade can take up to 60 minutes per appliance, depending on the disk and network speed.
Don't refresh the System Settings page.
Do not reboot your appliance(s) during the upgrade. -
When the upgrade is completed, close System Settings and sign out. Refresh your browser before you re-login.
Rebooting the appliances(s) after a successful upgrade is highly recommended.
- For Kerberos authentication to application servers and file servers, AES encryption is now required.
Fixed bugs
- Fixed PostgreSQL validation failure during appliance installation
- Some users were unable to sign in using SSO (more than one user profile)
- Addressed inconsistent session states in large environments that are using MSSQL
- Fixed file preview issue in OneDrive
- Resolved upgrade failure on Amazon T3 appliances
- Patched security vulnerabilities
- Fixed the issue with the CloudWatch metrics not being available
- Increased the limit of reversed-proxied web applications
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