RAS Connection Broker service randomly restarts

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RAS Connection Broker service randomly restarts


 RAS Connection Broker service randomly restarts due connection lost with the other Connection Brokers in site.


  1. Network stability and throughput between Connection Brokers is expected to be of high level. When this is not the case Connection Brokers might disconnect from each other. When a disconnect is encountered the service will restart to re-synchronize the data. To reduce these disconnects use the following registry keys.

    Registry Path

  2. Key Path: HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Parallels\2XController

  3. Values:

    • SyncHeartbeatInterval (REG_DWORD): Default value is 1. Time interval in seconds when the heartbeats are sent.

    • SyncHeartbeatTimeout (REG_DWORD): Default value is 6. Connection is declared disconnected if no heartbeat is received in this timeout (in seconds).


The value 5 and 30 mean that the heartbeats are sent every 5 seconds and are checked every 30 seconds.

These settings are to be changed on all Connection Brokers within the site.

By adjusting these settings, you can minimize temporary disconnects and potentially eliminate the need for Connection Broker restarts for re-synchronization, thus stabilizing the RAS Controller.

Steps to Modify Registry Settings

Open the Windows Registry Editor.

Navigate to the key path: HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Parallels\2XController.

Add or modify the following registry values:

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