Failed performance counters on RDSH

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In some cases, Remote Desktop Session Host Agent may be in "Failed performance counters" on the RAS console.


Step 1: Modify the startup behaviour of the "RAS RD Session Host Agent" service

Reboot the server and observe the status of the agent on the RAS Console.
The affected agent should not should show "OK" status.

If the state of the agent remains in "Failed performance counters", perform the step below.

Step 2: Add a registry key for increase delayed started time to 60 seconds

Path  HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RAS RD Session Host Agent
Key type  DWORD 32-bit
Name  AutoStartDelay
Value  60 (decimal)

After adding this key, reboot the server and observe the behaviour on the RAS Console.

If the above steps do not help in resolving the issue with the counters,

Please follow instructions on How to rebuild performance counters 


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