DaaS Frequently Asked Questions

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DaaS Licensing Guide

      1. Do I need a license to evaluate Parallels DaaS?

         Yes, a license key is necessary. If you don't have one, please contact us at daas@parallels.com.

      2. What’s the user access limit for Parallels DaaS in my organization?

         For trial versions, up to five users and one administrator are allowed. For paying customers, licenses can be tailored to your needs. Contact us to learn more.

      3.Do I need to have an active Azure subscription to use Parallels DaaS?

        Yes, an Azure subscription is required.  Visit KB130000 to learn more.


Trial Preview Duration What’s the length of the trial preview period?

It lasts 14 days, but we can extend this period if needed. Contact us to learn more about extending your Parallels DaaS trial preview period.


Usage in Production Environments Can Parallels DaaS be used in production environments?

Absolutely! Parallels DaaS has been thoroughly tested including a customer beta phase, ensuring its readiness for general release.


User Authentication How do users access their virtual applications and desktops?

Once Parallels DaaS is linked to your Azure subscription, IT admins can invite users via the Parallels DaaS management portal using their organization credentials (Azure AD/Entra ID).


Custom Base Images Is it possible to use my own golden images as a base?

Currently, this feature is in development and not available yet.


Accessing Desktops/Applications Can I use the Parallels Client for accessing desktops or applications?

Visit KB130001 to learn more.


Connecting to Azure AD/Entra ID Is it possible to connect Parallels DaaS to my Azure AD/Entra ID for authentication?

Yes, you can connect Parallels DaaS to your Azure AD/Entra ID for authentication.


Persistent VMs Usage Can I use persistent VMs?

Visit KB130002 to learn more.


Profile Management How does profile management work with Parallels DaaS?

Parallels DaaS handles user profiles seamlessly. Just enable the feature in the DaaS management console to begin.

Visit KB130003 to learn more about DaaS profile management.


Bringing Own Applications Can I integrate my own applications into Parallels DaaS?

Yes! You can install your applications on the golden image to make them accessible to users.


Where do my applications, data and VMs live?

Parallels DaaS has a unique approach wherein all your data, VMs, user profiles, applications, and gateways reside in your own Azure subscription, where you have full access and control.

Visit KB130004 to learn more about the structure of Parallels DaaS.


Feedback and Ideas I have feedback or a great idea. What should I do?

We'd love to hear from you! Please contact your Parallels representative or send us an email at daas@parallels.com.

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