Single Server Installation and Configuration of Parallels RAS Reporting Service with SQL Server 2019 and Microsoft SSRS 2019 via PowerShell script

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In this article, we are going to install and set up Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SQL Server Express Edition required by RAS Reporting Service via Powershell script.


-Create a dedicated Active Directory account that will be used to view the reports called rasreportingview

-Make sure that the account which will be used for Microsoft SQL Server and Reporting Services installation is a domain account and has local administrative permissions on the RAS Reporting server. If required, add the account to the local Administrators group manually or using Group Policies.

-Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5 (or higher) are installed on the RAS Reporting server.

-In line 127 in SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS specify your admin user and rasreportingview user. Do not remove the SYSTEM user. The format must be “domain\username”.

Example: SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="ras\admin" "ras\rasreportingview" "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"

-If needed in line 123 in SQLSVCACCOUNT specify your SQL-service account or leave it as a Local Service.


-Internet access, if we want to download installers by the script.

How to use:

Run the powershell script and choose Yes or No.

'Yes' - script will open a dialog window to choose downloaded full installers of SQL and SSRS.

'No' - script starts to download needful installers.

After the end of any of those two actions, the installation will start.

When the script will finish working, need to reboot the machine and login back in as an admin user.

Some parts of the configuration will be made after the log-on of the admin user.

A scheduled task named "Configuration" will be created before reboot and removed after the login of the admin user if a configuration was successful.

In case the Scheduled task was not removed, we need to run it manually.



Click here to view the script


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