When allowing users to upload files to the Files tab in Parallels Secure Workspace, there may be security concerns.

Parallels Secure Workspace does not offer built-in blocking of file extensions or scanning of uploaded files. This is currently not planned, since these scans or file type exclusions can already be configured on most file servers.

This would make it more difficult for administrators to have an overview of what's blocked and at which level (file server, our product, ...), if there are separate settings within Parallels Secure Workspace.


Blocking file extensions

For instance, when sharing a folder from a Microsoft Windows file server, rely on the built-in File Server Resource Management tool of Microsoft Windows Server to create a file screen to block certain file types from being uploaded.

For Linux servers with Samba shares, a similar configuration is possible using the veto files setting.


Scanning files

Similarly, there is no built-in virus scan. An antivirus solution should be active on the file server instead to keep management as simple as possible.

In short: it's recommended to install an antivirus solution on the file server.