How to deploy fonts

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Please do the following to deploy fonts to Macs using Parallels Mac Management for SCCM:

  1. Put the fonts files (in .otf format) to some network share accessible for SCCM like \\fileserver\shares\Fonts\
  2. Create a new package from SCCM ConsoleSoftware LibraryOverview Application ManagementPackages Create Package:
  3. Give it some name, description and enable option This package contains source files:
  4. Click Browse... and specify the path from step 1:
  5. Click Next, select Standard program, click Next;
  6. Give some name to the command and set this command line:
    ditto *.otf /Library/Fonts
  7. Set Program can run to Whether or not a user is logged on and click Next:
  8. Leave all other settings with their default values and complete creating the package;
  9. Distribute its contents to the appropriate Distribution points;
  10. Deploy the package to the appropriate SCCM device collection.

Once Macs receive the policy, font files will be copied to /Library/Fonts and will become available for all users.

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