Black screen appears on RDSH right after login

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A black screen is observed right after the RDS session login:


Windows AppReadiness service activity is stalling Desktop appearance. Possibly due to some other bug.

Confirmed to happen in User Profile Disk and AVD + FSLogix environments. Possibly not noticed in usual RDS since it is less affected.


Stop and Disable App Readiness service. Login time should improve after this change.

NOTE: App Readiness service may need to be started before installing Windows Updates that require restart.

Known issues with App Readiness service

- Delayed logins in Virtual Desktop environment:

AppReadiness Service and Black Screen - Microsoft Tech Community

- Local Windows 10 delayed logins:

5 min delay on cold start between login screen and bg screen Solved - Page 3 - Windows 10 Forums

Microsoft explains Windows 10 Black Screen login issue, working on fix - MSPoweruser

Windows 10 Black screen forever when logging in - Spiceworks

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