When you configure PMM NetBoot component, error Selected account doesn't have rights to read SMS Provider data appears:
02-11 15:46:14.746 I /NetBootCfgUtils:5264:179c/ SMS Provider host: XXX.YYY.LOCAL
02-11 15:46:14.761 I /NetBootCfgUtils:5264:179c/ SMS SiteCode: YYY
02-11 15:46:14.777 D /Std:5264:179c/ COM is already initialized for 179c with different thread mode
02-11 15:46:14.839 I /NetBootCfgUtils:5264:179c/ TFTP root: E:\RemoteInstall
02-11 15:46:14.886 I /NetBootCfgUtils:5264:179c/ SMS DP ContentLib: E:\SCCMContentLib
02-11 15:46:15.355 I /PmaUi:5264:ed4/ Started checking prereqisites. Check context: NetBootCheckCtx:[].
02-11 15:46:15.386 I /PmaUi:5264:ed4/ Stopped checking prereqisites...
02-11 15:46:15.402 I /logrotate:5264:179c/ Log rotator started
02-11 15:46:15.464 W /WmiWrap:5264:179c/ Error connecting to WMI namespace '\\.\root\sms': 0x8004100e (Invalid namespace)
02-11 15:46:15.464 I /NetBootCfgUtils:5264:179c/ Exception: Unknown error
02-11 15:46:15.464 I /NetBootCfgUtils:5264:179c/ Local SMS Provider not found
02-11 15:46:32.074 I /pma_netboot_config:5264:179c/ Site code is set to YYY
02-11 15:47:52.076 D /pma_netboot_config:5264:179c/ Checking account access rights...
02-11 15:47:53.779 I /pma_netboot_config:5264:179c/ Account check failed. Verification request has returned empty result.
A Service account does not have the Read-Only Analyst role granted in SCCM and it does not have WMI Remote Activation permissions on SMS Provider.
After that, re-run Parallels Netboot Service Configuration Wizard or go back to the first step if it is already started, and proceed with the configuration.
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