An organization may need to deploy pre-configured RAS connection to Parallels Client
In order to enforce credentials to current Parallels Client connections, execute the following command in elevated command prompt:
APPServerClient.exe -overridecredentials <path to settings file> <username> <password>
To export connections and settings overriding credentials in the resulting .2xc file, execute this command in elevated command prompt:
APPServerClient.exe -export <path to settings file> -overridecredentials <username> <password> -showalert
APPServerClient.exe can be found in the folder with installed Parallels Client (C:\Program Files\Parallels\Client\ in most cases)
Example 1
Let's assume that we need to use these credentials:
U: john
P: pwd11
To import the settings and set this new credentials, this command needs to be executed on the target PC:
APPServerClient.exe -overridecredentials "C:\test_file.2xc" "john" "pwd11"
Note: The username and password specified will be enforced to all connections configured at Parallels Client (rest settings will remain the same)
Example 2
If you'd like to specify credentials while exporting settings (so users can import the file by themselves), the command will be this:
APPServerClient.exe -export "C:\test_file.2xc" -overridecredentials "john" "pwd11" -showalert
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