How RAS Universal Printing works?

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At the moment, RAS Universal Printing works as described below:

RAS redirected printers have a switched on option to wait for full job ( "start printing after the last page is spooled" ). Server-side spooler is waiting for an application used for printing to send EndDoc function  (this is done after the last page is spooled) then the spooler starts passing pages to RAS Universal Printing driver. As the driver receives a page it immediately sends it to the client.

Depending on printing format configured on the client, the following happens:

Additionally, for specific printers/applications, RAS Universal Printing can automatically switch to the ready to print (RAW) format when necessary

Note: From version 19.3 onward, Universal printing support is included in the AVD Standard Feature Set.


Let's imagine that we're going to print a document which consists of 100 of pages and we have EMF printing format set on the client. The sequence will be as follows:


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