Wipe and Lock features do not work: unable to install MDM configuration profile

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Wipe and Lock features do not work: unable to install MDM configuration profile


Another MDM profile is installed on the target Mac device. In such case Parallels Mac Management does not install Parallels MDM profile and as a result Mac cannot be managed.


From the /Library/Logs/pma_agent.log:

10-31 10:39:39.797 I /MacAgentUtils:78:6f93/ Installing MDM profile from 'https://addf.ttest.com:8860/profile'...
11-02 09:16:21.982 I /MacAgentUtils:78:36b7/ MDM profile from 'https://ddf.ttest.com/DeviceServices/AppleMDM/Processor.aspx' is already installed


To resolve the issue make sure that there are no other MDM profiles installed on the target Mac device. If there are any - remove them from System Preferences > Profiles menu.

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