Using RASPrep

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While preparing a RAS Template, RAS administrators can choose either RASprep or Sysprep.

The advantages of using RASprep and the differences between the two tools are described below.

RASprep is the Parallels RAS tool for preparing Windows in a VM after cloning it from a base image. RASprep performs the following tasks during the initial startup of each new VM:


Compared to Sysprep, RASprep works much faster because it modifies a lower number of configurable parameters and requires less reboots.

Note: Due to API limitations, RASprep cannot be used on Windows Server 2008 machines.

This table lists the main differences between RASPrep and Sysprep:

Operation RASPrep Sysprep
Deleting local accounts No Yes
New SIDs generation No Yes
Unjoining parent guest VM from domain No Yes
Changing computer name Yes Yes
Joining the new instance to the domain Yes Yes
Language, regional settings, date, and time customization No Yes
Number of reboots 1 2 (seal, mini-setup and domain joining)


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