- Go to Configuration Items in SCCM, right-click on the item containing a required certificate and select Export.
- Open the exported .cab file, and retrieve the .xml file from it.
- Open the .xml file, and copy the text from Description Text string, excluding the quotation marks.
In browser go to, and paste the quoted text in the upper frame:
- Click on Decode button (in UTF-8 format), and copy the outcome.
- Create a empty text document, rename it and change it's extension from .txt to .mobileconfig. For example: certificate.mobileconfig
- Open it with any text editor (for example Notepad++), and paste the decoded outcome.
- In SCCM go to Configuration Items and click on Create Parallels Configuration Item > Mac OSX Configuration Profile from File.
- Select the type System and browse to the created .mobileconfig file.
- Create and deploy a Configuration Baseline using that Configuration Item.
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