View and manage Parallels subscriptions and licenses

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Your subscriptions are automatically tied to the account you are signed in to at the moment of a product activation, and then they are stored in the Parallels cloud.

Note: Once you receive a Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition license key from a Parallels Sales representative, Parallels reseller, or after purchasing a Parallels subscription online, you must register it in your company Parallels business account before use.

You can view and manage all your subscriptions in your Parallels account at

After sign in you will see the Dashboard page with your products overview.

To view details of an active subscription, click on Active Subscriptions in one of the product boxes. You will see the list of active subscriptions with their renewal or expiration date and the number of licenses it includes.

Click on the subscription you'd like to manage. You will see the following information about your subscription:


Subscription renewal - the status of automatic renewal. Possible values are:

Activation Date – the date when the subscription was started. A subscription may start:

Expiration date the date when the subscription expires if auto-renewal is off, or is renewed if auto-renewal is on.

Order history your online orders at the Parallels Online Store.

Payment options here you can view and change the payment method for the subscription renewal.

Products additional products included into the subscription and their quantity.

License Keys activation keys that should be used for Parallels product activation.

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