When opening Published Application "A specific machine was not found. Please inform your system administrator." error pop-ups

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When opening Published Application "A specific machine was not found. Please inform your system administrator." error pop-ups:



RAS RD Session Host Agent service is down or not accessible.


  1. Ensure that Terminal service is running:

    • Identify from which Terminal server the affected resource is published (in the left pane of Parallels Remote Application Server Console dialog go to Publishing tab > in the middle pane locate the published resource > in the right pane switch to Publish From).

      Note: if resource is published from several Terminal servers the further steps should be applied to all of them.

    • On the required server press Win+R, type services.msc in the Run dialog and hit Enter to open Services applet.

    • Locate RAS RD Session Host Agent service and make sure it's running. If not, right-click it > Start
  2. Ensure that Terminal Server is accessible:

    • Check that Agent state is Verified: go to Parallels Remote Application Server Console > Farm > Terminal Servers > right-click the Terminal Server > Check Agent.

    If it's not:

  3. Restart the RAS RD Session Host Agent service.

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