No sound on virtual machine

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  1. No sound on virtual machine

  2. Red cross next to the audio icon in the Windows task bar notification area. When right-clicking the audio icon in the notification area > Troubleshoot sound problems, it says Audio device is disabled:

  3. In the Device Manager (press cmd+R combination > type devmgmt.msc > hit Enter) the audio device is up and running (there are no exclamation, question, 'down arrow' marks next to device icon):


Responsible system accounts are not in the local Administrators group.


  1. Open Command Prompt: click Start > in the search box type cmd.exe > right-click on the appeared program > Run as administrator.

    <p><img alt="" src="" /></p>
    <p>Execute the following commands:</p>

    net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice

    net localgroup Administrators /add localservice

    <p><img alt="alttext" src="" title="title" /></p>
    <li>Restart virtual machine.

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