Price for Parallels Desktop is different on the Shopping Cart page

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The price for Parallels Desktop on the Shopping Cart page is different from the one displayed on the Parallels website or in a promo email received from Parallels.


There is a different price for Parallels Desktop and another official currency in your current location.


There is a base price and currency for Parallels Desktop in different regions.

The correct price for Parallels Desktop for your region is displayed on the webpage corresponding to your location. You can select your country/language from the drop-down list in the upper right-hand corner:


If you change the currency in your Shopping Cart, the price will be counted based on the fixed price for the region you are in at the moment of purchase.

You should buy the product for the price set for your current location.


The base/fixed price for Parallels Desktop for Mac upgrade in Europe is 69.99 Euros. You will see this price in the Shopping Cart, if you are in Europe. Even if you try to place an order from a US version of the website, you will see the base European price. If you manually switch the currency to US Dollars, the price will not become 69.99 US Dollars, it will be counted based on the price of 69.99 Euros, i.e. 69.99 Euros will be converted into US Dollars.

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