Error message 'Unable to connect to Hard Disk 1' on Virtual machine's start

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Virtual machine starts with an error message 'Unable to connect to Hard Disk 1'

If you check parallels.log file inside your virtual machine's .pvm bundle you will see the following error messages:

    "Init: Can't open file 0x80021014",
    "Error 0x80021014 when opening the disk. Releasing image."
    "Can't open uid {aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea}"  

going in sequence of error messages similar to this:

    F /AbstractFile:1683:207/ Error opening file /Users/username/Documents/Parallels/Windows 7.pvm/Windows 7-0.hdd/Windows 7-0.hdd.0.{aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea}.hds with error 2 in handle pool
    F /dimg:1683:207/ OpenFile(/Users/username/Documents/Parallels/Windows 7.pvm/Windows 7-0.hdd/Windows 7-0.hdd.0.{aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea}.hds) failed!: 2
    F /dimg:1683:207/ Init: Can't open file 0x80021014
    F /dimg:1683:207/ Error initializing for the /Users/username/Documents/Parallels/Windows 7.pvm/Windows 7-0.hdd/Windows 7-0.hdd.0.{aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea}.hds
    F /dimg:1683:207/ Error 0x80021014 when opening the disk. Releasing image.
    F /vdisk:1683:207/ Can't open uid {aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea} name /Users/username/Documents/Parallels/Windows 7.pvm/Windows 7-0.hdd/Windows 7-0.hdd.0.{aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea}.hds Error 0x80021014

Please note the exact path to the virtual machine's hard disk (.hdd) file will be different in your particular case. The most important parts in the log we need to look for are {aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea} and the error messages and codes quoted above in the log example.

To get to parallels.log file please click on Window menu -> go to virtual machines List -> right-click on your virtual machine and choose "Show in Finder" -> right-click on the .pvm file in Finder and choose "Show package contents" -> double-click on parallels.log file to open it (by default it will open in Console)


  1. Make a backup copy of .pvm file

  2. Right-click on your virtual machine's .pvm, choose "Show package content" -> locate .hdd bundle and right-click on it, choose "Show package content"

  3. Open DiskDescriptor.xml with TextEdit

  4. Under <StorageData> block find and remove the following strings:

         <File>virtual machine name.hdd.0.{aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea}.hds</File>
  5. Under <Snapshots> block find the following strings:


    Copy the value within <ParentGUID></ParentGUID>

    NOTE: the exact digits within <ParentGUID> </ParentGUID> may be different in your case (it also applies to Step 7).

  6. Find the following string:


    replace the current value within <ParentGUID> </ParentGUID> (aabbccdd-0204-9357-5189-efb0c034f5ea) with the copied one in step 5 above:

  7. Delete following strings

  8. Close the DiskDescriptor.xml

  9. Locate DiskDescriptor.xml.Backup in the same .hdd folder and rename it to something like "DiskDescriptor.xml.Backup1"

  10. Start your virtual machine.


virtual hard disk gets corrupted after Mac hard reboot when the virtual machine was in running state.

UPDATE: In case this issue occurs when customer transfers the PVM file from other Mac. Try to copy the PVM file again using another source like Thunderbolt or via Network.

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