How to assign static IP address to a virtual machine

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You are not able to connect your virtual machine to Home/ Office local network or you have problems connecting to the Internet via Bridged Network mode.


You may try to manually assign IP address to your virtual machine.


  1. Launch your Windows virtual machine, click on Start > Command Prompt.

  2. In Command Prompt Window, type

    Ipconfig /all 

    Please put down the IP address, DNS server, and Default Gateway address.

  3. Click on Windows Start Menu > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center.

  4. Click on the LAN connection and go to Properties.

  5. In the Properties window click on the Networking tab and double click on Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

  6. Please uncheck Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.

  7. Fill in the details of DNS server, gateway,etc., but change the last part of the IP address (example: You noted that IP address as, so you can change that to or similar in the range of 2 to 255).

  8. Please restart the virtual machine and check the status.

NOTE: If the above does not work please follow these instructions:

  1. Please launch Parallels Desktop, do no start Windows.

  2. Click on Parallels Desktop on top Mac menu bar. Choose Preferences.

  3. Under Parallels preferences window click on Network.

  4. Click on Restore Defaults, then Yes, and start the virtual machine.

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