How to create a new SRV record for Parallels Mac Management Proxy in DNS?

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To create a new SRV record for Parallels Mac Management Proxy in DNS you should:

  1. Run DNS Manager:

  2. Go to the brunch: [YOURSERVERNAME].[YOURDOMAINNAME] > Forward Lookup Zones > [YOURDOMAINNAME] > _tcp

  3. Check if there is a _PmaConfigMgrProxy-[SITECODE] record. If there is the record > Right click on the record and choose Properties > Skip items 3 and 4 and go to the item 5.

  4. If there is no _PmaConfigMgrProxy-[SITECODE] record > right click on free space and choose Other New Records... in сontext menu.

  5. In the opened window select the resource record type: Service Location(SRV) > click Create Record.

  6. In the opened window fill the fields and create the new record:

    a). Service: _PmaConfigMgrProxy-[SITECODE]

    b). Protocol: _tcp

    c). Priority: 0

    d). Weight: 100

    e). Port Number: Choose the port number you have filled running the Proxy Configuration Wizard for the field: Port for incoming connections to SCCM Proxy (by default we use the port number 8760). Please see the screenshot attached.

    f). Host offering this service: [YOURSERVERNAME].[YOURDOMAINNAME][.]


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