Deploying Parallels Client using MSIEXEC

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Sometimes it is necessary to silently install the Parallels Client. This may be done using MSIEXEC and a series of parameters.

A bat file may be created with the following content to install the RDP Client silently:

(in some cases running on Windows 10 OVERRIDEUSERSETTINGS=1 should be used)

msiexec /i RASclient.msi DEFSETTINGS="2XSettings.2xc" /qn

In order to install Parallels Client from a network share, the command should be as follows:

msiexec /i "\\server\share\directory\RASclient-x64.msi" DEFSETTINGS="\\server\share\directory\2XSettings.2xc" /qn

NOTE: Should you want to override existing user settings, please use the following syntax:

msiexec /i RASclient.msi DEFSETTINGS="2XSettings.2xc" OVERRIDEUSERSETTINGS=1 /qn

NOTE: Should you want to include Single Sign On component, please use the following syntax:

msiexec /i C:\RASclient.msi TUXGINA=0 DEFSETTINGS="settings.2xc" /qn

NOTE: If you want to upgrade existing clients, execute the following commands:

msiexec /i RASclient.msi /qn

msiexec /f RASclient.msi /qn

Some considerations for this process:

When MSIEXEC determines it needs to do a repair, the switches are not executed:

As a result, if you are deploying this to a brand new machine, it will deploy silently with the config. If an install is present, some switches will be ignored tampering with the successful deployment of the client.

List of available parameters:

DEFSETTINGS: To use when Parallels Client installer reads 2xsetting.2xc (the file containing all settings to be used by the client) as default settings.

DEFSETTXML: To use when XML settings are entered manually.

OVERRIDEUSERSETTINGS: To override the user settings with client MSI settings. This parameter must be used if you want to install Parallels Client on the machine where the client was before.

0 – Client settings are not overridden
1 – Client settings are overridden with the new settings of the Client MSI setup.

DISABLEOPTIONS: To disable the Options button and hide the options to configure the client settings. This option can be applied to users without administrative rights.

0 – Options are enabled
1 – Options are disabled

DISABLEOPTIONSADMIN: To disable the Options button and hide the options to configure the client settings. This option can be applied to users with administrative rights.

DISABLESAVEPASSWORDADMIN: To disable the clients from saving the password even if they have administrative rights.

0 – Option to save password is enabled
1 – Option to save Password is disabled

DISABLESAVEPASSWORD: To disable the clients from saving the password. This option is ignored with users with administrative rights.

0 – Option to save password is enabled
1 – Option to save Password is disabled

IGNORESETTCREDS: Controls the usage of credentials that are available in the .2xc file (available since and 16.5.1 20448).

0 - Connections imported from .2xc file will use the credentials that are stored in the .2xc file (if any).

1 - Credentials in the .2xc file are ignored (this is the default).

NOTE: Below 2 parameters are :

TUXGINA: Exclude/Include SSO during a silent installation. (valid only for Parallels Client v16.5 and below)

0 – Install SSO
1 – Exclude SSO
2 – Prompt during installation [Default]

TUXGINASRV: Install SSO on both Client and Server. (valid only for Remote Application Server v16.5 and below)

0 – Install SSO only on the Client
1 – Install SSO on both Client and Server

INSTALLSSO: This parameter should be used for Client/Server SSO installation starting from RAS v17:

1 – Install SSO
0 –  Do not install SSO [Default]

The following sample command installs Parallels Client using the DISABLESAVEPASSWORD=0 option (enable the ability to save the password) and does not install SSO by default:

msiexec /qn /i 2XClient.msi DISABLESAVEPASSWORD=0 INSTALLSSO=1

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