RAS 19.4 Auto-Upgrade

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The agent Auto-Upgrade feature allows agents to automatically upgrade to the same version the Connection Broker is on, connecting with a farm that is of a higher version. 

The Auto-upgrade functionality has been designed to assist administrators in upgrading RD Session hosts, VDI guests AVD and Remote PC agents when switching to new version of Remote Application Server.

This functionality comes in handy with hostpools with a large number of hosts. .

A maintenance window can be set on hostpools, together with options to a drain mode duration and whether to force logoff sessions at the end of the drain window.

Once initiated, the hosts in the hostpool will

After hosts agents are updated, the status will change to "Auto-upgrade maintenance window in progress"

If the schedule is set to reoccur, any unpatched hosts will done prioritised on the next run.



The Auto-Upgrade can be enabled on the host pools as shown below

1. Open Parallels Remote Application Server Console

2. Go to Farm > RD Session Host

3. Open properties of your Host Pool

4. Go to Auto-upgrade tab


5. Chose an appropriate recurrence for the schedule to run. When chosing "On specifi day(s) of the week", the day selection is enabled.


To cancel an auto-upgrade maintenance:


To stop an already running auto-upgrade maintenance:

Known issues:


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