How to uninstall Parallels Tools in Linux

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If you need to uninstall Parallels Tools in a Linux virtual machine, we advise you to follow the steps below:

Note: While the example is using Ubuntu, these steps should be applicable to other distributions as well.

  1. Start your Ubuntu Linux virtual machine.
  2. From Mac top menu, select Devices > CD/DVD > Connect Image...
  3. Navigate to Applications > Parallels Desktop > Contents > Resources > Tools > select (double-click) prl-tools-lin.iso image
    Note: If your Mac is based on Apple silicon, use: prl-tools-lin-arm.iso
  4. Open your home folder in Ubuntu and on the left pane select Parallels Tools.
  5. Right-click in the middle of the folder and select Open in Terminal
  6. Run the following command:
       sudo ./install --remove

    And enter your sudo password for Ubuntu, tools will be uninstalled.

  7. Reboot for changes to be finalized.

In Parallels Desktop prior to 20.2.0, follow the steps 1-5 but:

     Run the following command:

   sudo ./install
  1. Select Remove and click Next, follow on-screen instructions

  2. Select Reboot to restart your Ubuntu virtual machine


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