ERROR: The virtual disk %1 is corrupted

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You get one of the following errors upon starting a virtual machine:

    The virtual disk %1 is corrupted.


The above error may have different causes:


  1. Boot from the virtual machine installation CD/DVD and run Recovery console. Try to run chkdsk command or repair installation.

    1. If the above does not help, check if you had made any backups of the valuable data, on the Mac side or to external media. If so, you can try restoring those backups to a proper environment.

Note: VM Snapshots made using Parallels Desktop cannot be considered as backups in this situation.

  1. If the issue still persists, you may try to recover the old data by following this article:

7096 You receive "Unable to connect to Hard Disk 1: Input/output error".

  1. If the above still does not help, and the data is extremely valuable to you, you may address the issue to professional companies that specialize on data recovery from broken hard disk drives.


WARNING: this article is linked with PD Error Reporting. Do not modify this article without consulting with CPA Trainers.

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