Unable to configure Paralells Mac Management MDM Link

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Unable to configure Parallels Mac Management MDM Link.

MDM Link configuration process ends with the error:

    Unknown rpc error: code=3, category='MDM IPC Error'  

In pmm_mdm_service.log there are the following entries:

02-28 13:26:28.499 I /MdmCore:1896:1c80/ Starting WebServer with SSL encryption {Subject:     pmdm.test.com; Issuer SwissSign Server Gold CA 2014 - G22;}
02-28 13:26:28.499 W /Certs:1896:1c80/ CryptError: 0x80090014 (Invalid provider type specified.)
02-28 13:26:28.515 W /Certs:1896:1c80/ OpenSSL error
02-28 13:26:28.515 W /Certs:1896:1c80/ Error getting private key

In pmm_mdm_service_config.log there are the following entries:

02-28 13:25:48.827 I /pmm_mdm_service_config:5132:1654/ Finish checking the prereqs...
02-28 13:26:20.983 I /pmm_mdm_service_config:5132:1654/ Configuring MDM certificate...
02-28 13:26:24.374 D /CmProxyCfgUtils:5132:1654/ Existing access mask = 0x0, desired = 0x80000000, result = 0x0
02-28 13:26:24.374 I /pmm_mdm_service_config:5132:1654/ Configuring SSL certificate...
02-28 13:26:24.374 F /CmProxyCfgUtils:5132:1654/ Cannot get CSP handle: Invalid provider type specified.

However, Parallels MDM Server Configuration Wizard finishes fine.


The web server certificate that was specified in Parallels MDM Server Configuration Wizard is a Cryptographic New Generation (CNG) certificate.

Parallels MDM is using CryptoAPI and do not support CNG certificates.

In oder to check if the installed certificate indeed is a CNG certificate or not please open CMD as Administrator on the Parallels Mac Management MDM server and execute the following command:

certutil.exe –v –store my> certutil_my.txt

In the output file(certutil_my.txt) find the certificate in question and locate KeySpec and ProviderType attributes. If they are cert to 0, this is a CNG certificate.



  1. Convert the CNG certificate using the steps from the article.

  2. Reconfigure Parallels MDM Server Configuration Wizard using the converted certificate.

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