Authenticating using JumpCloud Single Sign-On (SAML)

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In this guide, "the user's UPN" refers to the user principal name of a user on the LDAP server (e.g. Active Directory) specified in the settings of the domain in Parallels Secure Workspace.

The approach is to add a custom attribute (in this example "upn") to the user's information in JumpCloud to store the user's UPN. A custom SAML username claim will be used so JumpCloud can pass on the UPN to the Parallels Secure Workspace.

If the UPN matches the email address configured in JumpCloud, there's no need to work with a custom attribute. Instead, the NameID claim could be configured to return the email address.

Using a custom attribute to store the UPN:

When signed in to JumpCloud as an administrator, for each user:

Setting up the SSO in JumpCloud:

In the SSO overview (accessed from the left navigation pane) on JumpCloud, the newly configured application should be visible. 

In Parallels Secure Workspace:


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