HALB deployment using Nutanix Prism Element

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High availability load balancing (HALB) in Parallels RAS is a functionality that load balances RAS Secure Gateways. The load balancer is built into a Parallels HALB appliance, which is a preconfigured virtual machine with the operating system installed and all relevant settings configured.

The Parallels RAS HALB appliance uses the Open Virtualization Platform (OVA) format, which is natively supported by various hypervisors.

To deploy Parallels RAS HALB using Prism Element please follow these steps.

Any version starting from AOS 5.18 will support this method


1. To download a Parallels HALB appliance, visit Download Links .

 There are several available formats:

2. Extract the vmdk file from the downloaded OVA file

3. In Prism Element, navigate to Settings > Image Configuration

4. Select Upload Image

5. Provide required information:

- The appropriate naming detail and storage container for your image. 

Select upload a file, select your extracted VMDK 

Select Save

6. You can monitor the creation and update tasks for completion.

7. Once finished, you can confirm the image is available in Image Configuration.

8. Create a new VM:

- Provide the appropriate naming and specification.

- Select “Legacy BIOS”.

- select Add New Disk.

9. Provide required information:

- Choose to Clone from Image Service.

- Select the RAS HA Appliance Image.

- Select Add.

10. Finish the wizard and power on the VM.

11. You can now proceed to the first boot configuration.

You can find more information on the HALB Configuration in the following article 


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