Open Outlook msg files from within

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It is not possible to achieve this with a RemoteApp.

There is however a workaround available.

On the Microsoft Windows Server where Microsoft Outlook is installed, create a .bat file.

Paste the following script and change the "path\outlook.exe" so it points to the actual location of Microsoft Outlook on the server.

echo off
if ""%1""=="""" (
start "" "C:\path\to\outlook.exe"
) else (
start "" "C:\path\to\outlook.exe" /f %1


In System Settings, Go to Manage > Applications > RDP application .
Click [Add] to create a new one containing the following command (change the path of the .bat file, so it points to the location where the file above was saved)

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c C:\outlook.bat


Add the msg file type to this RDP app.

When you open a .msg file, it should open the above RDP app. It will launch Microsoft Outlook and show the e-mail.


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