Run Intel-based virtual machines on Apple silicon Macs using Parallels Desktop x86 emulator

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Parallels Desktop 20.2.0 brings the early preview of the technology that allows running Intel-based (x86_64) operating systems on Macs with Apple silicon. While still in active development, the technology may be useful for tech enthusiasts who need to boot into their existing Windows 10 or some Linux VMs and access data or test some scenarios.

Note: This feature is available in Parallels Desktop Pro, Business and Enterprise editions.

What to expect

You can use an existing Windows 10, 11, Windows Server 2019/2022 or a Linux virtual machine (VM) in Parallels Desktop on a Mac with an Intel processor (only UEFI BIOS, legacy BIOS is not supported). Alternatively, you can create a new virtual machine following the steps outlined below.

1. It is slow, really slow.

2. Emulated Windows is limited in features

* x86_64 Windows 11 (build 26100 and newer) isn’t running due to a lack of support for SSE 4.2 for x86_64 VMs in Parallels Desktop on Apple silicon Macs;

** The following imported Linux operating systems have been tested by us to run via Emulator:

Important: At present any Linux virtual machine migrated with Parallels Tools or they are installed on newly created system, it will hang. We are investigating this behaviour, but it is not recommended to install them at this point. If you need to uninstall them for migration, please check the following article: Uninstall Parallels Tools in Linux

Note: please note that if you want to migrate a virtual machine created on a Mac with an Intel processor, it must be shut down before the migration. Parallels Desktop sets the default configuration for the Intel-based virtual machines, which have a configuration different from the supported one. E.g., if your Windows 10 virtual machine created earlier on an Intel Mac has 4 vCPUs then Parallels Desktop will reset the number of vCPUs to one upon trying to start the VM on an Apple silicon Mac using the Parallels Desktop Emulator.

How to start an Intel-based virtual machine using Parallels Emulator

  1. Right-click on the target virtual machine > select “Start using Emulator”.

Once the virtual machine is started, it will be marked as 'Intel x86 system', and you can start it the same way you would any other virtual machine.

Alternative solution: you can start the virtual machine by using our Command-Line Interface utility.

How to prepare an Intel-based Linux virtual machine for a transfer

By default, Linux virtual machines (VMs) created on Macs with Intel processors have Legacy BIOS enabled, unless you manually enable it during the installation process. If you want to run a Linux VM on a Mac with Apple silicon chip, follow the steps below:

  1. Download an x86_64 ISO of the respective Linux distributive

  2. Start Parallels Desktop on a Mac with an Intel processor and click File > New..

  3. Click ‘Install Windows, Linux, or macOS from an image file’ > select the ISO and click Continue.

  4. Click ‘Customize settings before the installation’ > Create.

  5. Once the configuration window of the VM opens up, open ‘Hardware' tab > Boot order > Advanced > select 'EFI 64-bit’ > OK. Close the window and proceed with the installation.

  1. Once the VM is created, you can move it to the Apple silicon Mac and start there by following the steps described above.

How to create a new virtual machine from an ISO with Intel-based operating system

Note: the process will take a lot of time. Don’t forget to grab a cup of your favorite drink and settle in. Only Windows 10 and Windows Server 2022 are supported. To create a Windows 10 22H2 and Windows Server 2019 VM, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Download an x86_64 ISO image. E.g. Windows 10 ISO* can be downloaded from here.

  2. Open the Terminal utility and execute the commands below one by one to create and start the installation of a new x86_64 VM:

prlctl create <vm_name> -d <distro> --cpu-type x86

prlctl set <vm_name> --device-set cdrom0 --image <x86_iso_path> --connect

prlctl start <vm_name>

Note: to see a full list of possible options for <distro> variable, run the following command in Terminal and pick the one matching your operating system:

prlctl create <vm_name>-d -list


  1. Follow on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation of the operating system.


There is no 'Start using Emulator' option

1. Make sure Parallels Desktop is activated with a Trial/Parallels Desktop Pro/Parallels Desktop Business or Enterprise Edition license.

2. If it's a Linux virtual machine, it means that your virtual machine doesn't have EFI enabled. Follow the instructions from here to recreate the virtual machine.

3.  If it's a Windows 8.1 or earlier virtual machine, the option wouldn't exist since these Windows VMs aren't supported to run via this technology.

4. In case of imported Windows 10 virtual machine, if could be that it also uses legacy bios. You can verify that by using terminal command:

prlctl start "YourVirtualMachineName"

If message returned is:

Failed to start the VM: Unsupported BIOS/Firmware type. Parallels Desktop does not support running Intel-based virtual machines with this BIOS/Firmware type on Apple Silicon Macs.

It means your virtual machine uses Legacy bios, and machine also uses legacy bootlader. In that case, its recommended to create a new x86 emulated virtual machine, and attach\move the contents of the hard drive of Legacy machine to the new one.

Can't create a new x86_64 Windows 22 H2 or Windows 2019 VM

1. If you create a new x86_64 Windows 10 22H2 or Windows Server 2019 VM, you'll likely encounter the following error: 

To work around the issue when the error occurs:

Can't start an imported x86_64 VM from Terminal

If you start an x86_64 VM imported from an Intel Mac using the prlctl start utility and get the 'Failed to start the VM: operation has been cancelled' error message, it means that the VM wasn't shut down prior to the import from an Intel-based Mac. To start it, you need to reset the state of the VM by executing the steps below:

Imported VM is not identified as x86_64 after migration and cannot be started

If you encounter a virtual machine that doesn't have a "Start Using Emulator" option in Control Center after migration, it's possible it were last started in older versions of Parallels Desktop, below v19.

Due to the changes in configuration file, Parallels cannot identify the architecture correctly, and working around this issue would require an Intel Mac, at present time there is no other workaround:

Imported Windows 11 23h2 hangs on login screen

To work around this issue, we recommend one of the following:

1. Reset the virtual machine(Actions > Reset). It should trigger the Parallels Tools update, and system should behave normally afterwards.

2. Re-import the virtual machine without Parallels Tools installed, which would infer going back to the source Intel Mac > removing Parallels Tools and importing the machine again, in this case this issue should not present itself.

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