In order for Parallels RAS to be able to configure and use Azure Virtual Desktop there are some prerequisites:
- An Azure Tenant ID.
- An Azure subscription with sufficient credit.
- Active Directory:
- A Server Active Directory environment or Azure AD Domain Services (Azure AD DS). See
- Azure AD Connect — AD must be in sync with your Azure AD, so users can be associated between the two.
- The user must be sourced from the same Active Directory that's connected to Azure AD. Azure Virtual Desktop does not support B2B or MSA accounts.
- The user configured in the Parallels RAS client with access to Azure Virtual Desktop resources must exist in the Active Directory domain the session host it is joined to.
- The necessary Microsoft Azure resource providers must be enabled, including Microsoft.ResourceGraph, Microsoft.Resources, Microsoft.Compute, Microsoft.Network, Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization.
- Create a Azure AD Application: Go to Azure Portal-> Azure Active Directory-> App registration-> New registration.
- Go to Certificates and secrets-> Add New client secret. Do not forget to save the client secret;
- Give the Application read and write access to resources:
- Contributor Role in Resource group;
- (optional) read access to other resource groups or Subscription (to read all VMs in Subscription).
- Contributor Role in Resource group;
- Give the Application User management rights:
- Assign 'User Access Administrator' permissions for application at Subscription -> Access Control (IAM).
- Give application the following API permissions: Go to Azure Portal-> Azure Active Directory-> App Registration-> API permissions-> Add a permission:
- Microsoft.Graph (application permissions):
- Group.Read.All
- User.Read.All
- Microsoft.Graph (application permissions):
For configuration please use the following article: Unified Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Integration: Configuration.
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