Unable to install Windows: The installation was canceled

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While trying to install Windows to your virtual machine it fails in one of the following ways:

  1. The installation process hangs;

  2. The installation fails because it is unable to find drivers for some devices;

  3. The installation fails with one of the below error messages:

    • "Windows could not collect information for IMAGE_NAME.iso since the specified image file FILE_NAME does not exist"

    • "No Device drivers were found. Make sure that the installation media contains the correct drivers"

    • "Make sure all files for installation are available and restart the installation"



Please find your installation method below to find the appropriate solution:

ISO image:

Try to re-download the ISO image and re-run the Windows installation.


NOTE: If you have the following error message:

The unattended answer file contains an invalid product key.  Either remove the invalid key or provide a valid product key in the unattended answer file to proceed with windows installation.

Please refer to the article KB 6955 for resolution.

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